How the Different Kill Switches work in an ATV and UTV

In an ATV/UTV, there are two ways or systems that a kill switch is used, either an NC or NO, or “Normally Closed” or “Normally Open.” An NO switch is the open type, hence the name Normally Open, and functions by grounding the primary ignition lead when the tether is pulled away from the bars.

When the tether is removed from the NO, it will end up closing itself. This, in turn, creates a short to the circuit to which it is wired. It is important to note that this function should not be used to ground the high voltage. An NO system is not used as often as the NC system, but you still see them frequently enough.

An NC switch, on the other hand, works in the opposite way. It is Normally closed and is connected to the 12V input to the ignition. When the tether is removed, it will disconnect or open the circuit from the negative to a positive voltage, turning on the ignition.

Usually, NC kill switches are used in battery type ignition systems that have a clear Run/Stop switch with a key identifier. While it is typically known that newer models are NC, but you will want to double-check the manual at all times to confirm.

In general, the ATV kill switch is usually easy to install and uses wire plugins that ease into the OEM stock designs. Most of the kill switches for ATVs are designed to mount on the handlebars, but there are other option.

How to Use an ATV Kill Switch

Most of the time, the kill switch will activate the same as a kill switch in any other vehicle.  Essentially, you either push or pull the switch and the engine should shut off. You will want to remember to shut the ignition off if you are not going to start the ATV back up.

Typically, you only want to use the kill switch when needed, but some riders like to use the kill switch whenever they shut down their ATV.

This isn’t the end of the world, but it isn’t a best practice.  You can cause serious damage to your alternator if you regularly try to start your ATV without reengaging the kill switch. Your manual should have clear instruction about whether you can use the kill switch routinely, but most recommend only in emergency situations.

Kill Switch ATV/UTV Installation

Most of the time, an ATV kill switch is mounted to your handlebars, or to a handlebar clamp designed for the switch. You also want to install the kill switch where it can be easily reached, but won’t get in the way during normal operation.

Once you have determined where to mount the kill switch, simply tighten the screws using a 3mm Allen wrench in most cases. You will want to be careful not to overtighten the screws, while still ensuring the switch is mounted securely and wont slide or come loose during aggressive riding.

In terms of wiring, most kill switches are universal and will work with almost any ATV. However, the wiring inside ATVs is not universal.

Regardless of the type of ATV you have, the kill switch can never be directly on the on/off panel if the ATV already has one. In most ATVs, one lead from the switch will be wired to the ground, and the second wire will splice between the stator and ignition coil.

When the stator wire is grounded, it will cause the engine to shut off.  Make sure to consult the instructions of your particular model to ensure you wire it correctly.

Once you have installed the kill switch on your ATV, test the switch by pulling the clip while the ATV is running.

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