
Original 162 / gearbox Ambra / Nova

SKU CLX.00060 SP11500 Category Tags , ,



162 / AMBRA / NOVA (with mechanical cable counter).BE TWO (with mechanical cable counter).This original box is specially designed for the brand and its models with mechanical cable counter. Reliable and robust, its discount price will convince you ! Original gearbox for 162 / ambra / nova and be two (with mechanical cable meter).The gearbox of a VSP is a bit like a derailleur system found on a bike. The gearbox is meant to be a gearbox between the engine and the wheels.Often expensive to buy, PieceSansPermis selected for you this gearbox especially adapted to your car without licence which conjugates Quality and Price!,Accessories SEMI-SYNTHETIC OIL FOR… Reverse gearbox oil 8,90 Add to cart

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